Wccftech To Go Public Via SPAC Deal in 2021
Wccftech To Go Public Via SPAC Deal in 2021

April 2 Update: This was an april's fool post.
It is with immense pleasure that we can announce that Wccftech will be going public via the SPAC route this year. While we will not be disclosing the acquisition vehicle right now can tell you that the deal will finish in Q4 of 2021 and will allow Wccftech-ians and partners to hold stock in the company. Wccftech is one of the largest technology news publications in the world right now and we feel like this is just the beginning.
While we cannot reveal much due to regulatory and compliance concerns, we can tell you that we are in talks with 2-3 SPACs that have expressed an interest in acquiring us since news about a potential Vox deal broke last month. Another route with our own SPAC is also being considered.
Assuming everything goes as planned, the acquisition will be announced this quarter and completed before the end of 2021. The special-purpose acquisition vehicle will be listed on the NASDAQ and shares of the merged company will be available to purchase by December 2021.
Going public will also allow Wccftech to expand into multiple niche-centric offshoots that focus on Hardware, Gaming and Mobile news instead of a one-stop-shop. As a part of the expansion process, we will also be introducing a Wccftech-styled micro-social-network and an ad-free experience for those that wish to pay a subscription fee.
We are incredibly excited about going public and are in the process of finalizing the SPAC we will merge with. None of this could have been possible without the support of our readers and colleagues and we are grateful for your continued patronage. Wccftech will remain the center of infotainment for all things technology and we have big plans for the future.
More updates will be posted in short order.
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