Redditor Creates His Own Mini-ITX NVIDIA Founders Edition GPU Using An RTX 3060

Redditor Creates His Own Mini-ITX NVIDIA Founders Edition GPU Using An RTX 3060

Redditor Creates His Own Mini-ITX NVIDIA Founders Edition GPU Using An RTX 3060

A Redditor has created his own Mini-ITX NVIDIA Founders Edition graphics card by modding a GeForce RTX 3060 GPU.

User, Clashmains_2, from the PCMR subreddit was so fond of the NVIDIA Founders Edition designs made by users that he proceeded to make his own variation. For this attempt, a Gainward GeForce RTX 3060 Pegasus graphics card was used for reference and the entire heatsink & the shroud were created with a 3D Printer.

For this purpose, PLA was used since this was just a test build and not an actual functional design. Despite that, the custom NVIDIA Founders Edition design turned out to be very close to what the green team might have made. The card has that solid-looking finned shroud on the front & while the real card would make use of that as a heatsink, the modded variant uses it as a cover plate. It can also be seen that the card features a single 92mm fan from Noctua. We can expect NVIDIA to use a more premium axial-tech fan here. The card also features a "GeForce RTX" logo on the sides and a cut-out for the power connector.

As for the cooling performance, the Mini-ITX NVIDIA Founders Edition mod had the temperatures running the same as the standard shroud in testing but since PLA is used, deformation started at around 60C and the fin-stacks get really hold which means that the fan holder started to curve and deform downwards. To fix this issue, the modder is planning to use either ABS or PETG for his next 3D printing adventures.

There's no backplate currently included on the 3D-printed design but we might see this in a more final version in the future. NVIDIA has yet to make a Mini-ITX Founders Edition graphics card and while cards such as the RTX 4060 make perfect sense to make so, we didn't see a FE design for the card at all. There are also not a whole lot of Mini-ITX designs out there with AIBs gunning for more 2-2.5 slots and triple-fan designs even on cards that consume around 100W of power.

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