Newegg Lets PC Gamers Trade-In Their Older GPUs For Some Cash Through New Program
Newegg Lets PC Gamers Trade-In Their Older GPUs For Some Cash Through New Program

Trade-in programs are quite popular globally, with the likes of Apple gaining immense popularity through this service. Newegg has also introduced a similar mechanism for GPUs, marking a great opportunity for consumers to upgrade to next-gen products.
This is the first time a "US retailer" has actually brought up such an initiative, and it is quite surprising, given that trade-in programs are generally preferred by consumers. For those unaware, a trade-in policy is basically an exchange where a particular firm puts a value on your old product and then compensates it with a newer one, and this is in case you are getting a new GPU for your old one. The policy is popular amongst consumers who are afraid to approach marketplaces to sell their products due to the chances of a potential scam or the inconvenience that it involves.
Now, while this makes it look great, Newegg's trade-in program does price your GPU at a really odd price. For example, NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 3090 Ti is valued at $561, which is astonishing, given that the refurbished GPU can be found for $829 US at the same retailer and up to $1699. That's almost a 50% difference between what's being offered to the user and what the retailer itself offers when it comes to used GPUs. The same is the case with the 6950 XT which has an estimated trade-in value of $375 US but the retailer already lists refurbished models at a 46% markup for $549.99 US.
While it eradicates the "hustle" involved in dealing with people, you do get a horrible value; hence, you can weigh out the factors involved to see if it's the best option. Following are some of the trade-in values that you can get through Newegg's new program but do keep in mind that these are only estimations and the final value will be determined on the condition of your GPU.
NVIDIA GPUs "Estimated" Trade-In Values Through Newegg:
AMD GPUs "Estimated" Trade-In Values Through Newegg:
Furthermore, in an attempt to make the "trade-in" program remote, Newegg does apply a variety of quality checks before it can actually cash on your GPU. If it doesn't meet the set criteria, Newegg has the right to decline the trade-in offer and return your GPU. Here is how the program works according to Newegg:
How Newegg Trade-In Works
While Newegg's approach to the program is quite similar to what we see with companies like Apple, the set GPU value is remarkably quite low, which may put a consumer on the downside. However, if you feel like avoiding the rather "vigorous" process of selling your GPU on public marketplaces, giving a shot to Newegg's "trade-in" policy might be right for you.
News Sources: Newegg, Videocardz
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