Woman Sets Guinness World Record For Most Chip Implantations
Woman Sets Guinness World Record For Most Chip Implantations

The world has become pretty weird nowadays, but a new Guinness World Record is even "weirder", awarded for the most chip implantation by a human.
Chip implantation isn't certainly new in the industry, since it has extensive medical applications. However, the process should've been confined to its desired field, rather than mere "experimentation" but the barriers have been broken. A woman named Anastasia Synn has reportedly implanted a whopping 52 chips inside her body, which are intended for several purposes such as controlling senses and performing certain tasks.
According to the record-holder, the idea initially originated when her daughter apparently asked for a microchip inside her body, since an in-game character inspired her. Ironically, instead of refusing, Anastasia said to experiment with the process herself first in order to "stay safe", which is pretty awkward for many reasons, but we won't get into them. Anastasia also holds the record for the largest magnet ever implanted into a person.
My daughter originally asked if she could get a microchip implant to unlock her computer like a gamer girl that she saw online and I said ‘No, you better let me do it first so I can make sure it’s safe.
-Anastasia Synn
In terms of how the implants are useful, Anastasia believes that the chips inside her body have unlocked a new "sixth sense", and she can see whether electricity is running through components, or that even note the radiations coming out of a microwave. Anastasia has a "built-in" sound system as well, courtesy of an implanted Bluetooth receiver along with magnets implanted in her own ears. While the aspect of a "human cyborg" is certainly entertaining, we advise readers not to implement a similar method, since it ultimately has great health risks, as mentioned by herself.
f I find that I have some kind of illness that requires regular MRIs, I would definitely have all of my implants pulled out.
The article is a bit deviated from what we usually post, but it is a way of telling our audience what is going around in the industry, apart from the mainstream occurring. While chip implantation has immense potential in working together with a human to expand capabilities, it has a huge probability of going wrong, since the components involve lead-based materials that may release toxic content into the body.
News Source: Guinness World Records
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