NVIDIA’s Next-Gen Ada Lovelace Gaming GPU Architecture For GeForce RTX 40 Series Confirmed
NVIDIA’s Next-Gen Ada Lovelace Gaming GPU Architecture For GeForce RTX 40 Series Confirmed

NVIDIA has officially confirmed that its next-gen gaming GPU architecture for GeForce RTX 40 series will be named after renowned scientist and mathematician, Ada Lovelace.
The confirmation comes within a new teaser posted by NVIDIA's Australia and New Zealand handle on Twitter. The teaser reads "The future has a past" & shows an image of "Numbers of Bernoulli". It is an iconic algorithm that was used for the Analytical Engine and was laid out by Ada Lovelace back in 1842.
Numbers of Bernoulli.
The algorithm for the Analytical Engine.
Ada lovelace confirmed! https://t.co/lkHop4JE9c pic.twitter.com/W0cS36ChSo
— Hassan Mujtaba (@hms1193) September 15, 2022
Although we have known the Ada Lovelace architecture for a while, it is still great to see NVIDIA taking inspiration from scientists of the past who played a crucial role in creating the tech world that we currently live in. The Ada Lovelace GPUs will power a variety of GeForce RTX 40 series graphics cards in the coming months such as the RTX 4090 flagship.
In many ways, Ada Lovelace can be thought of as the world's first computer enthusiast. She is the first person to have realized that the Analytical Engine proposed by Charles Babbage had applications beyond pure calculation and also published what is thought to be the first algorithm (becoming the first computer programmer) intended to be carried by such a machine. This was almost half a century before Alan Turing would finish their work and invent the general-purpose computer during the world war.
NVIDIA has been known to base its architectures on prominent physicists, mathematicians, and scientists and Ada Lovelace is no different. If you look at the heroes showcased during GTC's 2018 keynote you find not only Ada Lovelace but what are potentially all future architectural codenames from NVIDIA.
NVIDIA is all set to unveil its Ada Lovelace GPU-powered GeForce RTX 40 series graphics cards at GTC 22 next week so stay tuned for more information.
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