HyperX Realeases New Predator DDR4 RGB and FURY DDR4 RGB Memory: Modules Up to 256 GB

HyperX Realeases New Predator DDR4 RGB and FURY DDR4 RGB Memory: Modules Up to 256 GB

HyperX Realeases New Predator DDR4 RGB and FURY DDR4 RGB Memory: Modules Up to 256 GB

HyperX has released the Predator DDR4 RGB and the FURY DDR4 RGB memory, and these RAM modules deliver fast frequencies and lower latencies with a maximum speed of up to 4,800 MHz. These RAM modules would be ideal for working with Ryzen 3000 XT series processors, as the faster RAM allows the processor to run at the fastest speed possible.

The HyperX Predator DDR4 has an extensive range of capacities of either a single stick, kits of two, kits of four, and even kits of eight. The single module has a maximum capacity of 32GB, the kits of two features a maximum capacity of up to 64 GB, the largest capacity of kits is the 256 GB, which has been split up into a kit of eight RAM modules.

The second series of the HyperX Predator DDR4 series is the HyperX Predator RGB RAM modules, which offer the same capacity and same size as the previous RAM series, except for the eight stick kits there is only a 256 GB capacity and not 128 GB capacity. One main difference between the non-RGB modules and the RGB modules features a slightly slower frequency of up to 4,600 MHz.

HyperX's FURY series of RAM only comes in up to four separate modules and offers a maximum frequency of up to 3,733 MHz. The maximum capacity of these two series is 128 GB split between the four separate modules. These larger capacities are perfect for high-end computer systems, which require a large amount of RAM. This series does come with an RGB version as well.

All of these RAM modules offer lower latency even at the larger capacities, and the latency is CL 19. This allows for the computer to easily access the information on the systems RAM both quickly and efficiently without the need to wait and cause delays for the processor.

The HyperX Predator DDR4 RAM series is priced at $611, and the HyperX Predator DDR4 RGB RAM series is a bit more expensive at $626. The Fury series 128 capacity is priced at $760, while the RGB version is priced at $783.

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