EVGA GPU Firmware Boosts GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Crypto Mining Performance By Up To 21%

EVGA GPU Firmware Boosts GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Crypto Mining Performance By Up To 21%

EVGA GPU Firmware Boosts GeForce RTX 3080 Ti Crypto Mining Performance By Up To 21%
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti flashed with RTX 3090 BIOS to achieve a staggering 110 MH/s mining Ethereum

Cryptocurrency miners discovered a fix to access more mining performance from the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Ti LHR graphics cards. The community found that flashing the BIOS with new firmware can increase performance. EVGA, on the other hand, recently offered an upgrade to their firmware for the GPU that has also been shown to increase performance in crypto mining.

Website OwnSnap, a small news site that covers current news in tech, gaming, finance, business, and entertainment genres, reported that the crypto mining community found a solution to gaining more performance from the NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti LHR silicon graphics cards by flashing the BIOS or, for those users with EVGA cards, downloading the recent firmware upgrade.

Reddit user @bravo_char was the original source who recognized how to increase the performance of the RTX 3080 Ti LHR graphics cards. The user went into detail that a large majority of the RTX 3080 Ti LHR GPUs on the market have a hidden feature located in the default BIOS that accesses the power limit for the card that activates when the GPU has moments of increased memory loads. This feature is something that crypto miners experience during their workloads.

EVGA became aware of this situation with their graphics card and released a firmware upgrade. The new upgrade increases crypto mining performance with their cards and can be accessed using the EVGA Precision X1 software package. Once @bravo_char updated their firmware on their XC3, they noticed an increase from 66MH/s to an amazing 80MH/s—an increase of as high as 21 percent.

The new firmware update is only available through the RTX 3080 Ti LHR model. Other EVGA RTX 3080 Ti cards, such as the Founders Edition model, will not have a firmware update accessible. The Reddit user stated that if you download the EVGA RTX 3080 Ti XC3 BIOS, with the most current firmware upgrade, and flash the BIOS of a non-EVGA RTX 3080 Ti brand, you can essentially receive the same result. It is noted that this solution is only a temporary one and there is no official fix as of this writing. It is also noted that flashing another graphics card model with another card's BIOS is highly dangerous if not performed correctly, and @bravo_char states that there is a great amount of risk involved.

YouTuber Red Panda Mining, took their Inno3D 3080 Ti iChill X3 and used the EVGA XC3 BIOS to access the increased performance, and found that they were able to achieve 91MH/s from their card, which is even higher than what was achieved with the specific EVGA graphics card that the firmware upgrade was made for.

Could other companies release upgrades to help with the crypto mining market? Or, will companies attempt to prevent such occurrences from happening due to the decreasing life of the cards once used in mining? We will have to see what the future holds with crypto mining increasing 41% from 2020 and still becoming one of the more profitable markets to start.

Source: OwnSnap, @bravo_char on Reddit, Red Panda Mining

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