AMD Claims Up To 70% Gaming Performance Boost With Radeon Super Resolution, Available on ‘Thousands of Games’
AMD Claims Up To 70% Gaming Performance Boost With Radeon Super Resolution, Available on ‘Thousands of Games’

At CES, AMD announced its Radeon Super Resolution 'RSR' image upscaling technology which will be supported on thousands of games. In the latest Sneak Peek of its upcoming AMD Software: Adrenaline Edition, AMD has promised some huge performance gains with the technology and that's going to put some smiles on the faces of gamers who want that extra boost.
In the video published by AMD, the company showed off up to an impressive 70% performance gain using Radeon Super Resolution technology by upscaling from native 1440p to 4K (RSR On). Previously, AMD has also showcased up to 55% performance gains in Warframe (222 FPS Native 4K RSR Off vs 346 FPS Native 4K RSR On) in Warframe.
The Radeon Super Resolution technology is built on the foundation of AMD's FidelityFX Super Resolution and has driver-level support which means that developers don't need to spend extra time in adding the technology to their game engine pipeline.
Radeon Super Resolution (RSR) is an in-driver upscaling feature that uses the same algorithm found in our AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) technology. Gamers can take advantage of Radeon Super Resolution to unleash new levels of performance on any compatible game.
via AMD
Though the latter does have its own benefits, RSR will provide mostly similar results plus, the support list for games is massive with AMD promising RSR for thousands of games. All you have to do is to enable RSR (Radeon Super Resolution) within AMD Software, lower the in-game resolution to the desired input level, and the technology automatically upscale to the native resolution.
Once again, the technology is supported by all modern AMD Radeon RX graphics cards so couple that with the insane selection of gaming titles that you have at your disposal that can leverage from the performance benefits of RSR, gamers are definitely in for a treat. There is no specific date told when the Software: Adrenalin Edition with RSR will be available but it should be relatively soon since FSR already has the required framework set in the gaming segment and it's only a matter of time before we see RSR added to the latest Radeon drivers.
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